Release Notes:
- A global search was added. You can search any attribute in specific elements (Services, Service Instances, Tags, Devices).
- Shared data can now be managed on its own page (Admin > Shared Data). Withhin this new table, shared data „Buckets“ can be cloned so that the value can be changed and used by service instances.
- A Scheduler which can trigger Service-Instance deploy’s based on a scheduled time
Bugfixes and minor changes
- The name of OneTimeReports can now be much longer, this was restricted to 50 chars.
- Various small improvements for the filters.
- Added new Device Models (Meraki and NetApp).
- Simplified API Endpoint api/dashboard/v1/device.
- When scheduled tasks for report/file generation do not run, a notification is shown.
- PhaseInstances now provide a new status: „Retiring“. This can be used for the workflow: Deployed –> Retiring –> Retired
- Handling of empty and null values in the CMDB is improved, so that no more diffs are shown on empty values.
- Improved Contract Report